Contact Us
Welcome to our web site about Michigan! We’re delighted you are here, and welcome you to email us with any questions you have about places to see in Michigan. We’re always on the lookout for new restaurants, coffee shops, and cool places (especially museums, scenery, and famous landmarks). Get in touch!
You can reach us by emailing hello@placestoseeinmichigan.com any time.
This web site is small right now, but we’re working on building it up to be even bigger! Our writing team consists of 5 people at the moment. We are a group of avid travelers and writers who have the goal of sharing our favorite places with you.
We think the most important page on this web site is the home page, which is a list of the top places to see in Michigan. Quite simply, it should save you time by placing all of the links to official travel sites on one page.